Advanced Android Data & Networking

Learn where the data behind your apps comes from! You’ll learn how to use multiple technologies to persist data, including SQLDelight, Android DataStore, and others. You’ll also learn about making network calls to retrieve data using techniques such as Retrofit and Coroutines, image wrangling with Picasso, OkHttp Interceptors, and more.

Advanced Android Data & Networking

Learning path · 7 video courses (5 hrs, 26 mins)
SQLDelight in Android: Getting Started
In this course, we will introduce you to SQLDelight, a generator for typesafe Kotlin code based on SQL database statements, with built-in support for migrations, schema validation and IDE integrations. From initial installation all the way to customization, you’ll learn everything there is to know about this latest invention from Square.
Jetpack Navigation: Getting Started
In this course, learn how to use the Navigation Architecture Component provided by Android Jetpack Library to simplify navigation in your app. It also helps you visualize your app’s navigation flow. You will also learn how to add Animations and Deep links to your navigation flow.
OkHttp Interceptors in Android
Learn how to use OkHttp Interceptors to intercept network requests, log them and also modify them on the fly.
Android DataStore
DataStore is Google’s new and improved solution for persisting simple pieces of data by using either key-value pairs or protocol buffers for storing typed objects. It does so using Kotlin Coroutines and Flow to make all the transactions asynchronous, making all the data storing and fetching operations more performant and safe! It’s part of the Jetpack set of tools, so it’s also known as the Jetpack DataStore. In this course, learn how to store simple and complex typed data in Jetpack DataStore as well as migrating existing data from Shared Preferences.
Retrofit and Coroutines
The old way of making network calls with Retrofit utilizes callbacks. In this course, learn how to greatly simplify Android networking code with an app that retrieves and displays a list of GitHub repositories.
Image Handling with Picasso
Learn how to use one of the most popular Android libraries: Picasso. See why Picasso is so popular and how it can help load and add images to your app with a clear and easy to use syntax.
Kotlin Coroutines: In Depth
Learn how to implement coroutines in a real-world example of an Android application, with structured layers and decoupled dependencies. You'll see how to test coroutines, handle errors, and structure concurrency in a clean and stable way.

After completing this learning path…

…you’ll have covered a lot of ground, by getting “behind the scenes” and learning about all the options for persisting data in Android apps, as well as how to work with data and API calls over a network with REST APIs. You’ve also gone into depth with Coroutines to help you manage your concurrent tasks, which is a common paradigm in modern networking.