Beginning RecyclerView

Learn how to create lists in Android using the RecyclerView. Dive into RecyclerView components such as adapters and view holders, and leverage them to produce rich user interfaces as well as provide behavior that your users will expect. By Brian Douglas Moakley.

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Learning path

This is part of the Android User Interfaces learning path. View path.

Who is this for?

New Android developers who are looking to improve their Android development skills. This course is also suited for advanced developers looking to learn more about the RecyclerView and what can be achieved while using it.

Covered concepts

  • RecyclerViews
  • Adapters
  • View Holders
  • Different Layouts
  • Decoration Drawing
  • Item Animations
  • Section Headers
  • Multiple View Types
  • Rearranging Rows
  • Swipe to Delete
  • Multiple Selection

Part 1: RecyclerView Basics

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Learn about the RecyclerView, from basic setup to animations and common interactions.

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Download the starter app and build it in Android Studio, then take a peek at the included starter layout files.

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Get started creating a RecyclerView by importing the dependency and then incorporating it into your layout.

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Connect your data source with an adapter, display content with a ViewHolder and organize the content with a LayoutManager.

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Learn how to connect the model data displayed in the RecyclerView to the corresponding objects in the view layer.

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Challenge time! Practice what you've learned so far by adding more data into the rows of the RecyclerView.

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See how to respond to clicks on the rows of the RecyclerView and take the user to a detail screen for the corresponding row item.

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Take all the basics of the RecyclerView you've learned so far and build a Favorites screen for the sample app.

Conclusion 1:03
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Review what you've learned about RecyclerView basics, and find out what's up next.

Part 2: Use Different Layouts

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Take a quick look at the layout managers this part covers, along with the capabilities of each.

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Learn more detail about the LinearLayoutManager by creating a horizontal RecyclerView on the detail screen.

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Create a nested RecyclerView, learn about the LinearSnapHelper, and improve performance with a RecycledViewPool.

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See how to create a grid of items with a RecyclerView using a GridLayoutManager.

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See how to use varying span sizes within a RecyclerView managed by GridLayoutManager using a span size lookup.

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Practice setting custom span sizes on a RecyclerView managed by a GridLayoutManager, then see a solution.

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Learn how to handle the case of grid items having different natural sizes using a StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

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Add a menu to allow switching between span sizes for a RecyclerView managed by a StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

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Practice what you've learned about layout managers by creating a grid of items on the detail screen.

Conclusion 1:07
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Review what you learned about the various RecyclerView layout managers, and find out what's next.

Part 3: Decorate and Animate RecyclerViews

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In this part, you'll learn the capabilities of ItemDecoration and how to animate items in a RecyclerView.

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Use ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to control the spacing around the items utilizing offsets.

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See how to use ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to create separators between the elements in a list.

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Practice using ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to create separators between the items in a grid.

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Discover how to use animations to add dynamic effects to the presentation of the items in a RecyclerView.

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Practice using animations to add dynamic effects to the presentation of the items in a RecyclerView.

Conclusion 0:40
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Review what you learned about using ItemDecoration and animations with a RecyclerView, and discover what's next.

Part 4: Section Headers and View Types

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In this part, you'll learn about using different view types in a RecyclerView.

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Sort the items displayed in a RecyclerView into groups, then add section headers to the groups.

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Use view types to customize the display of items displayed in a RecyclerView, based on the type of the item.

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Practice using view types to customize the display of certain items in a RecyclerView, then see a solution.

Conclusion 0:36
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Review what you learned about using view types for items displayed in a RecyclerView, and discuss what's next.

Part 5: Common Interactions

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Learn about the common interactions with a RecyclerView, such as drag and drop and swipe-to-delete.

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Discover the capabilities and use cases for combining the ItemTouchHelper class with a RecyclerView.

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See how to use ItemTouchHelper to create a basic capability to rearrange the items in a RecyclerView.

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Set up drag handles and item selection highlighting using ItemTouchHelper with a RecyclerView.

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Use ItemTouchHelper to create a basic capability to rearrange the items in a RecyclerView.

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See how to use ItemTouchHelper to add a basic swipe-to-delete capability for the items in a RecyclerView.

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Learn how to implement multi-select by using the RecyclerView selection library.

Conclusion 2:43
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Congrats on finishing the course! Learn what RecyclerView topics weren't covered, and where to go from here.

Up next

Android & Kotlin
Beginning ViewPagers
Learn how to use one of the most common Android Widgets, the ViewPager. ViewPagers are fundamental because they allow you to display different kinds of views using a pattern which is familiar to most users.



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