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Swift Cookbook

1 min

Assign Default Values to Variables
Written by Team Kodeco

In Swift, you can assign default values to variables when they are declared, which can be useful in situations where a variable may not be initialized with a value immediately. This allows for a default value to be used until a new value is assigned to the variable.

For example, to assign a default value of 0 to a variable of type Int, you can use the following syntax:

var numberOfApples = 0

In this example, numberOfApples is a variable of type Int that has been set to the default value of 0.

Similarly, you can assign a default value of an empty string to a variable of type String:

var message = ""

In this example, message is a variable of type String that has been set to the default value of an empty string.

Assigning default values to variables can be particularly useful in situations where a variable may not be initialized with a value immediately, such as when a variable is declared in a function or class.

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