OpenAI API Chatbot for ChatGPT

Go on an adventure into AI! In this tutorial, you’ll use the OpenAI ChatGPT API to create a chatbot in Android and create your own experience with this user-friendly machine learning technology. By arjuna sky kok.

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Messages Overview

The messages value is a list of objects that have the role and content keys. If you send the message as a user or human, you need to fill the value user into the role key. You put the content of the message into the content key.

In this messages value, you also set the tone of the conversation by putting specific content with the system role. For example, if you want to tune ChatGPT to become a travel guide in Tokyo, this is the payload you need to send:

  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "messages": [
    {"role": "system", "content": "I want you to act as a travel guide in Tokyo."},
    {"role": "user", "content": "Hello AI!"}

ChatGPT will be optimized for a travel guide conversation. You don’t need to do anything about this because, in the init method of the ChatRetriever class, the messages variable — which keeps the value of the messages property in the payload — is initialized with the object with the system role if you’ve previously set the persona in the Persona screen.

Besides the two keys, model and messages, there are other optional parameters you can add to the payload. For example, you can set the value of the temperature key, which accepts the value from 0 to 2. A higher value makes the output more random, whereas a lower value makes the output more deterministic.

Another useful parameter is max_tokens, which limits the maximum tokens a reply message generates. Tokens are pieces of words, roughly four characters in English. So if you want a short reply message from ChatGPT, set the max_tokens parameter to 50.

The n parameter is how many reply messages you want, but you only want one in your case.

You can learn more about other parameters such as suffix, top_p, stream, logprobs, echo, stop, presence_penalty, frequency_penalty, best_of, logit_bias and user in the OpenAI API documentation.

Enough with theory. It’s time to do some coding!

Engage the Bot! (You Won’t Be Assimilated)

Open the ChatRetriever.kt file and find the line // TODO: Call the OpenAI chat completion API. Then, add the following code to it:

    if (this.persona.isNotEmpty()) {
      this.messages.add(Message(MessageType.SYSTEM.type, persona))
    this.messages.add(Message("user", message))
    val requestBody = ChatRequest("gpt-3.5-turbo", messages)
    val call = service.getChatCompletions(requestBody, "Bearer $openAIAPIKey")

You reinitialized the messages variable and added the user’s message to the messages variable. You then constructed an API call using the getChatCompletions method with the Retrofit library. Finally, you passed the callback object to the enqueue method, which Chatty Bot will execute when the API call succeeds or fails.

Reviewing the payload response, you initially extracted the message from the content property of the payload. According to the OpenAI API documentation, the payload JSON response should appear like this:

  "choices": [{
    "index": 0,
    "message": {
      "role": "assistant",
      "content": "\n\nHi there, Where do you want to spend your time in Tokyo?",
    "finish_reason": "stop"

The data classes have been set up to handle the payload you send and receive, and they’re located in the ChatModel.kt file. These data classes mimic the JSON data structure.

Open ChattingScreen.kt and navigate to the line // TODO: Add reply message from AI to the dialog boxes. Add the following code to handle the reply message from the API server:

          val reply = response.body()?.choices!![0].message.content
          historicalMessages.add(Message("assistant", reply))
          addedString = reply

In the code, you retrieve the value from the content property of the message property within the choices array of reply messages. You select the first item because you didn’t previously set the n parameter, which defaults to 1.

Then, you store the reply message in the historicalMessages variable, allowing Chatty Bot to display the API server’s response in the chat window.

If you recall, you set the addedString variable to generate the typing animation.

Puttin’ on the Persona

Now, you must modify the button’s onClick method. Overwrite the code below the line // TODO: Add dialog boxes to the chatting window with the following code:

            historicalMessages.add(Message("user", message))
            retriever.retrieveChat(callback, message)
            message = ""

This time, instead of the reply message, send the user message to the server using the retrieveChat method of the ChatRetriever object. In the callback, you’ll add the reply message to both the historicalMessages and addedString variables.

Build and run the project once more. Select the Travel Guide in Tokyo persona:

Choosing a persona

Next, on the chat screen, type something like “Can you give me a list of recommended restaurants?” and then press the button to get the following message:

Recommended restaurants

Look at that! You’re on your way to being a go-to travel guide. In no time, you’ll be saying, “I’m famous in Japan!” :-]

But before you get there, you might notice that a problem arises as you continue conversing with the bot: The chatbot sometimes forgets the topics you and it have previously discussed. For instance, if you say “More, please.” to receive additional restaurant recommendations, ChatGPT appears to be unable to comprehend:

Chatty Bot forgot the context

ChatGPT forgot the previous conversation regarding recommended restaurants, indicating a need for more context retention. Naturally, you could always add the context, but that can be a hassle.

Chat Completion Mode

To address this issue, you must switch the API call to chat completion mode. Currently, you use the chat API service in text completion mode. To use chat completion mode, you must return the conversation history to the API server. You guessed it; the payload grows larger with each chat! Transmit the reply message within the messages property but with the assistant role. Following is the JSON example payload:

  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "messages": [
    {"role": "system", "content": "I want you to act as a travel guide in Tokyo."},
    {"role": "user", "content": "Hello AI!"}
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello! Welcome to Tokyo. I'd be happy to help you navigate this amazing city. What would you like to know?"},
    {"role": "user", "content": "I want to eat delicious food!"}
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Great! Tokyo is a food paradise with a wide range of culinary delights. Here are a few..."},
    {"role": "user", "content": "What about sake? Any recommendation?"}

Therefore, you must send the reply messages received from the server back to the server along with the user messages. With this context, the chatbot will no longer forget previous conversations.

In the ChatRetriever class, the addReplyMessage method adds the reply message to the messages variable with the assistant role. When making the API call, you must execute this method within the success callback.

Open the ChattingScreen.kt file and replace the code below the line // TODO: Add reply message from AI to the dialog boxes with the following code:

          val reply = response.body()?.choices!![0].message.content
          historicalMessages.add(Message("assistant", reply))
          addedString = reply

Next, inside the retrieveChat method in ChatRetriever.kt, delete these lines:

    if (this.persona.isNotEmpty()) {
      this.messages.add(Message(MessageType.SYSTEM.type, persona))

That way, you keep the user’s previous messages in the payload.

Finally, rebuild and run the project once more. This time, the chatbot retains the conversation’s context. Now, ask the same question:

Chatty Bot with context

As anticipated, ChatGPT provides a list of recommended restaurants in Tokyo. Then, you type “More, please.” and receive additional recommendations without issue:

Chatty Bot answering the question with context