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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

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15. Binary Search Tree Challenges
Written by Kelvin Lau

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Think you’ve gotten the hang of binary search trees? Try out these three challenges to lock the concepts down.

Challenge 1: Binary tree or binary search tree?

Create a function that checks if a binary tree is a binary search tree.

Challenge 2: Equatable

The binary search tree currently lacks Equatable conformance. Your challenge is to adopt the Equatable protocol.

Challenge 3: Is it a subtree?

Create a method that checks if the current tree contains all the elements of another tree. You may require that elements are Hashable.


Solution to Challenge 1

A binary search tree is a tree where every left child is less than or equal to its parent, and every right child is greater than its parent.

extension BinaryNode where Element: Comparable {

  var isBinarySearchTree: Bool {
    isBST(self, min: nil, max: nil)

  // 1
  private func isBST(_ tree: BinaryNode<Element>?,
                     min: Element?,
                     max: Element?) -> Bool {
    // 2
    guard let tree = tree else {
      return true

    // 3
    if let min = min, tree.value <= min {
      return false
    } else if let max = max, tree.value > max {
      return false

    // 4
    return isBST(tree.leftChild, min: min, max: tree.value) &&
           isBST(tree.rightChild, min: tree.value, max: max)

Solution to Challenge 2

Conforming to Equatable is relatively straightforward. For two binary trees to be equal, both trees must have the same elements in the same order. Here’s what the solution looks like:

extension BinarySearchTree: Equatable {

  // 1
  public static func ==(lhs: BinarySearchTree,
                        rhs: BinarySearchTree) -> Bool {
    isEqual(lhs.root, rhs.root)

  // 2
  private static func isEqual<Element: Equatable>(
    _ node1: BinaryNode<Element>?,
    _ node2: BinaryNode<Element>?) -> Bool {

  // 3
  guard let leftNode = node1, let rightNode = node2 else {
    return node1 == nil && node2 == nil

  // 4
  return leftNode.value == rightNode.value &&
    isEqual(leftNode.leftChild, rightNode.leftChild) &&
    isEqual(leftNode.rightChild, rightNode.rightChild)

Solution to Challenge 3

Your goal is to create a method that checks if the current tree contains all the elements of another tree. In other words, the values in the current tree must be a superset of the values of the other tree. Here’s what the solution looks like:

// 1
extension BinarySearchTree where Element: Hashable {

  public func contains(_ subtree: BinarySearchTree) -> Bool {

    // 2
    var set: Set<Element> = []
    root?.traverseInOrder {

    // 3
    var isEqual = true

    // 4
    subtree.root?.traverseInOrder {
      isEqual = isEqual && set.contains($0)
    return isEqual
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