Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: An App from Scratch

Feb 13 2023 · Swift 5.7, iOS 16, Xcode 14

Part 1: Getting Started with SwiftUI

01. Introduction

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Transcript: 01. Introduction Hey, what's up everybody? This is Catie. If you're brand new to iOS and Swift development and wondering where to get started this is the course for you. In this course, you'll learn how to create your very first iOS app. A simple but fun iPhone game called Bullseye. We'll teach you everything you need to know along the way, even if you are a complete beginner to iOS and Swift development. This course is meant for folks at all levels of programming experience. It's good for experienced developers new to iOS and Swift, and it's good for people who have never programmed at all. We'll create Bullseye using SwiftUI, which is the latest way to create user interfaces for your apps in Swift. SwiftUI is fun, visual, and still pretty new, so by learning it now, you'll be getting a serious headstart over other developers. We'll begin by learning what SwiftUI is and how it differs from UIKit, which is the traditional way of making user interfaces on iOS. You'll learn the answer to the burning question you might have. Should I learn SwiftUI, should I learn UIKit, or should I learn both? Then we'll create a brand new project in Xcode so we can build the entire app from scratch. We'll get started with SwiftUI by building the basic user interface for the app and apply some basic styling with SwiftUI View Modifiers. In the second part of the course, you'll learn how to make the app interactive by making a button run an action when tapped to print a message to the console. You'll learn about an important concept called SwiftUI State, and use that to make the button display a pop-up alert instead of a console message. In the third part of the course, you'll get some hands on practice coding with the Swift language. You'll learn about key Swift concepts like if-else statements, variables, constants, type inference, and the Swift Standard Library. We'll even cover useful techniques you'll frequently use as a developer in the real world, like unit testing and Test Driven Development. This course is designed to be hands-on where we'll build the app together step by step. It's very important that you don't just watch the exercises but actually follow along. Open up Xcode, type along with me, and run the app we build in the simulator. This will help you understand how the app gets built step by step. In addition, the course contains several hands-on challenges where you'll get to practice what you just learned on your own. It's in your best interest to actually pause the video and try solving the challenges. You'll learn a ton by doing this. There is a big difference between knowing the path and walking the path, and the only way to learn programming is to actually do it. This course and those to follow in our learning paths can turn you from a complete newbie into an accomplished iOS developer. But you do have to put in the time and effort. By making this course, we've done our part, and the rest is up to you. One final note. To follow along with this course, you should have the latest version of Xcode installed. You can always download the current version of Xcode from the Mac App Store if you haven't already. And don't worry, it's a free download. Okay, so let's blast off into our iOS adventure, starting by designing how our app should work.